Aug 27, 2017

#24 Friends' influence

I have a young colleague, Rebecca, who is vegan and make tasty and creative dishes everyday, then posting them on instagram
She inspired me in making this dish with steamed broccoli, asparagus, feta cheese, tomatoes, avocado, olive oil...

and everyday sandwiches for lunch break, very similar in the appearence to tuna sandwiches, but using a chikpea filler with mayo and sweetcorn instead of tuna.

Friends influence our lives. Choice the ones can teach you the love for yourself and others.

#23 Take it easy

Aug 16, 2017

#22 Good start

Porridge time! I take care of myself from the beginning of the day with: positive thoughts, some yoga exercises and a freshmade porridge with fruits (mango, banana, pineapple, strawberries, depends on what I have in the fridge!), cinnamon, honey, chopped almonds and sometimes a touch of cocoa podwer and Chia seeds. Delicious, healthy, colourful!

Love yourself, otherwise you will suffer more when someone you care doesn't love you enough.