Apr 26, 2018

#32 Way to say thanks

I made this cake to say thank you to a friend which did a favour to me. Funny: anyway this friend was unable to taste it as couldn't collect it and was always busy at work! 
Shame... but my intention was still good and there, and I ended up to eat this cake for a few days :-D

It's a classic lemon drizzle cake plus some blueberries...

There are many recipes on line like this one

The result is nice, but also the original version (only lemon) is good on my opinion. I like the presence of berries only for making some colour.

The kitchen lesson this time is...
...do a favour...
...do a thanks present...
and do not expect anything in return...
Feeling thankful for something is already a great way of approaching life and it is a healthy feeling. If the other person is not there for receiving it, that's fine too... you are anyway creating something nice...that sweet gift will stay with you.