I am usually careful in expressing opinions on my own baked cakes....but now I must say..... These are super yummy!!!!!!!! and so easy :-)
Basically I have tried Madelaines the first time in France, at a Mont Saint Michel trip with Rav. They were processed cakes and not the original home-made ones. So once back to UK I had only processed Madelaines too..... until today, when I decided to make my own Madelaines!!!
Recipee from
I have followed this recipe, but I would suggest to preheat the oven AFTER you have prepared the mixture. In fact you need to wait 20 minutes anyway, and there is no point to consume more energy for nothing.
I have no madelaines tray, so I have used these mini muffins/mini buns trays:
In the silicon one, I have used only sunflower oil, and it works pretty well not making the cakes stick into the tray.
Soooo let's start!
(now you are in the right mood!)
...then fill the trays:
Cook for 10 minutes/until golden
Super super yummy and juicy
The lesson in the kitchen this time is pretty easy. I have the feeling that human life is getting more and more virtual, and love too, is based on virtual contacts, in projections, life in mobile screens, dating apps and so on. These madelaines cake proove that real life is always better, more tasty, than a processed, factory made, standardised one.
And of course, also processed madelaines are still nice. But ever you have tried the satisfication to make them on your own, to have the nice lemon smell in the kitchen, and eat them warm, and find them so juicy and good?
Taste the real version in everything, and you will see the difference. You will remember it. Chef's word :-)