Oct 20, 2015

#15 Missing

It is long time I've returned back Italy, so now I miss things of U.K.
It is always like that. You stay here, and you think about what you have lost.
Especially because Italy and U.K. are so different places for certain aspects.
One of these is Breakfast. In Italy it is often made by an expresso coffe or cappuccino with a cornetto.
In UK the typical breakfast is... Porridge.

Ok I admit, I am Italian but I miss porridge. Healthy, creamy, sweet porridge.

So I made it, at home.

3 spoons of otmeal
1 cup of water
Half cup of milk
half banana
5 almonds
Agave scirop

Water in the pan. When boiling, put otmeal and stir. When almost ready, pour milk and stir for 1 minute more. Turn off the stove. Put slices of banana and almonds in pieces, then stir.
Serve all the porridge in a large cup and put some Agave syrup on the top.


Breakfast with porridge and English Style Tea, photographic book.

Love lesson:
When you often think about something you miss, just try to have it closer...

I know, sometimes, with people we can't do that. But we can at least repair our love memories.

Have a nice day!

Oct 4, 2015

#14 Long term project

Today I want to show you how to use in our kitchen the season vegetable to..... make winter and spring soup! Yes, this is a long term project! It's the fabulous story of homemade vegetable stock cubes!!!


4 onions (200 g ) 
4 celery stalks (300 g) 
4 garlic
4 carrots (300 g) 
1 cup of olive oil


Clean and wash the vegetables, then dry them. Divide the carrots into slices, the onions into wedges, diced celery and garlic in half. Arrange everything in a food processor with blade, add the oil and operate the engine until it result as a cream. Pour it into the bottom of about 45 small plastic cups (Coffee cups).

Cover with foil. Arrange all cups so covered in a container with edges, then put the container in the freezer (of course must remain standing). The next day carve a small cut with scissors from the kitchen edge of each plastic cup and take all nuts. Place them in a airtight container and place them in the freezer compartment. Add one of these nuts in any sauce, roast, soup to enjoy the smell and taste of a healthy food.

Love lesson:
It is with things you have right now you can start thinking and project the future. Starting from the present moment is always the best way to be ready in life. You will remember that in the winter!